$100,000 Challenge Passes 20%


Thank you, generous donors!  Thank you from Team NMLC and thank you, much more importantly, from the marine animals of the North Atlantic and the Gulf of Maine who may be visiting your new marine animal hospital when it opens to receive patients from the fall stranding season.  For those of you who are still considering the $100,000 challenge, we encourage you to stretch your donation during this critical time as we raise the walls of your new hospital.  Donations of $500 and more will be matched dollar for dollar by gracious volunteers.  Such gifts will make you charter members of the Ocean Leadership Council, and you will be invited to join us for a behind-the-scenes premiere opening of your new marine aninmal hospital here on the banks of Cape Cod Canal.

Oh, and don’t forget to visit the NMLC Discovery Center this summer to learn more about your hospital and the marine animals of Cape Cod.