This Weeks Update
It was an exciting week here at the National Marine Life Center as the whole team was hard at work! I would like to start out by saying how grateful I am to be working with such an enthusiastic team including staff members, volunteers, and fellow interns. Everyone here is truly dedicated in helping to protect the many beautiful animals that we have here and it is a pleasure to work beside them. It was the second week for the summer interns and it is safe to say that we are all enjoying our time here. With animals to feed, tanks to clean, and events to plan, Sarah, Chelsey, Sam, and myself have had a busy first two weeks.
Just this past week, the National Marine Life Center has received one Harbor Seal pup from the coast of Maine and two Southern Diamondback Terrapins. The Harbor Seal, Barclay, is just a few weeks old. Sam and I were given the privilege to name the two new Southern Diamondback Terrapins which was very fun. After playing with them and feeding them for a day we noticed that one of them was very good at trying to escape from the plastic bins that we keep them in when they are being fed so Sam decided to name this one Schofield, a TV show character from the show Prison Break who plays the role of an escape artist. The smaller guy has a bit of a sassy and playful attitude to him and I decided to name him Bubbles.
On Sunday, May 25th, we have our annual Feet, Fins, and Flippers 5K race so me, Kathy, and Sam have been busy with organizing this event and arranging things like raffles and other little games for the kids to stay entertained. Thanks to our sponsors and donations we have a wide variety of wonderful gifts and prizes to give away. It is sure to be an exciting day and the weather is supposed to be terrific! Thats all for now, we hope to see you there!
Posted by Chase M.
Chase is a Summer, 2014 Intern at the National Marine Life Center. He is pursuing a degree in Environmental Studies at Westminster College in Salt Lake City, UT.