3rd Annual Douglas J. Fletcher Golf Tournament a Big Success!
The 3rd annual Douglas J. Fletcher Memorial Golf Tournament took place on Thursday, September 17th, 2009 at the Brookside Club in Bourne. Over 120 golfers participated in the event, and in the subsequent 19th hole festivities at the Quahog Republic. Exceeding both their goal and last year’s donation, the DJF Tournament raised $17,500 to benefit the National Marine Life Center, an organization that was near and dear to Mr. Fletcher’s heart.

Convention Data Services presented the check to the National Marine Life Center today, as the center dedicated the Douglas J. Fletcher Memorial Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Tank. Last month, CDS made a $5,000 advance donation of anticipated proceeds from the golf tournament to the NMLC, to encourage other donors to participate in the center’s $100k matching contribution challenge.
Many thanks to Convention Data Services, the tournament sponsors, and the golfers who are making it possible for NMLC to open our new marine animal hospital and care for incoming patients this fall! A special thanks to Suzy Fletcher.

Next year’s DJF Tournament will be held September 23, 2010. We hope to see you there!
2009 DJF Tournament Sponsors:
Access NorthEast
American Heart Association
American Thoracic Society
Association for Manufacturing Technology
Bourne Tech Park
Convention Data Services
Coldwell Banker Jolly McAbee Weinert
Concert Group Logistics-CGL
Glynn Electric
Holly Ridge Golf Course
JD Events
Kaleidoscope Imprints
KenMark Office
Kreative Learning
Lawrence-Carlin Insurance Agency
Louisiana Restaurant Association
New England Grows
New England Landscape
Nielsen Business Media
Parent, McLaughlin, & Nagle
Partners Financial
Pitney Bowes
Printing Association of Florida
Rockland Trust
Ruberto, Israel & Weiner
Sam Lippman / ECEF
Steve & Sue’s
Sunderland Printing
Terrio Painting
The Fitzgroup
Travel Planners
United Benefits
WW Reich Construction