5K Call for Sponsors!

We’re calling out for sponsors for our Feet, Fins, & Flippers 5K!
The 5K is a family-oriented event on May 27 brings together runners and walkers from near and far who use their feet to help our finned and flippered friends. The success of the day depends on our sponsors, and we hope you will consider a sponsorship investment. It’s a great way to showcase your business or organization while helping to save marine animals, advance science, and teach youth about ocean conservation.
Sponsorship packages begin for as little as $100 and include a variety of benefits including having your name on the race t-shirt and your name and web link on our website.
~ Click here for a Sponsorship Form to print and mail, or
~ Click here to sign up on-line as a Sponsor.
So join our ever growing list of 5K sponsors including: Buzzards Bay Veterinary Associates, The Fair Insurance Agency, The Hair Boutique II, Kids on the Cape, Purple Turtle Productions, Small Office Computer Support of Cape Cod, and United Insurance Agency! A full list of sponsorship benefits is detailed below.
Harbor Seal Sponsor – $100-249
Benefits: ~ Name on Race T-Shirt back (before 5/1)
~ Name & web link on nmlc.org
~ Name & web link in an E-Splash e-newsletter (1,600+ distribution)
~ Opportunity to distribute brochures at the start/finish line
Gray Seal Sponsor – $250-499
Benefits: ~ 1 Race Slot
~ Name on Race T-Shirt back (before 5/1)
~ Name & web link on nmlc.org
~ Name & web link in an E-Splash e-newsletter (1,600+ distribution)
~ Opportunity to distribute brochures at the start/finish line
Loggerhead Sea Turtle Sponsor – $500-999
Benefits: ~ 2 Race Slots
~ Logo on Race T-Shirt back (before 5/1)
~ Name & web link on nmlc.org
~ Name & web link in an E-Splash e-newsletter (1,600+ distribution)
~ Opportunity to distribute brochures at the start/finish line
Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle Sponsor – $1,000-2,499
Benefits: ~ 3 Race Slots
~ Logo on Race T-Shirt back (before 5/1)
~ Name & web link on nmlc.org
~ Name & web link in an E-Splash e-newsletter (1,600+ distribution)
~ Opportunity for a table/display at the start/finish line
White-Sided Dolphin Sponsor – $2,500-4,999
Benefits: ~ 4 Race Slots
~ Logo on Race T-Shirt back (before 5/1)
~ Name & web link on nmlc.org
~ A 468 x 60 px banner ad above posts on nmlc.org for one month
~ Name & web link in an E-Splash e-newsletter (1,600+ distribution)
~ Opportunity for a table/display at the start/finish line
Pilot Whale Sponsor – $5,000-9,999
Benefits: ~ 5 Race Slots
~ Name on Race T-Shirt sleeve (before 5/1)
~ Name & web link on nmlc.org
~ Logo on Race T-Shirt back (before 5/1)
~ A 125 x 125 px sidebar ad on nmlc.org for one month
~ Name & web link in an E-Splash e-newsletter (1,600+ distribution)
~ Opportunity for a table/display at the start/finish line
Feet, Fins & Flippers Sponsor (Presenting Sponsor) – $10,000+
Benefits: ~ Your business name as the presenting sponsor in all press for the event
~ 6 Race Slots
~ Name on Race T-Shirt front and sleeve (before 5/1)
~ Logo on Race T-Shirt back (before 5/1)
~ A 250 x 250 px sidebar ad on nmlc.org for one month
~ Name & web link on nmlc.org
~ Name & web link in an E-Splash e-newsletter (1,600+ distribution)
~ Opportunity for a table/display at the start/finish line
The National Marine Life Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.
Our federal identification number is 04-3290276.
Thank you for your support!