Mother’s Day Seal Release Planned!
Sealvester Stallone and Vin Dieseal are headed back into action! This weekend they will be starring in their final adventure with NMLC, they are both being released!
“Sealvester Stallone,” a weanling gray seal, was brought to us March 18 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). Stallone was found on Gooseberry Island and was critically dehydrated, malnourished, and had lesions on his rear flippers. After fluid therapy and vitamin enriched feeds three times a day, Sealvester is steadily getting better. He began to eat on his own and is eating at least three kilograms (6.6 pounds) of herring a day!
“Vin Dieseal” was found on Scussett Beach by IFAW on March 20, two days after Sealvester! Vin is a weanling gray seal and was very dehydrated and underweight. He also had swollen abscesses on his back and head. Upon his arrival here at NMLC, he was placed on fluid therapy, antibiotics, and dewormers to rid him of internal parasites. Healing fast, Vin Dieseal has gained the ability to eat on his own and is doing well with his tank-mate Stallone!
Just shy of two months in rehabilitation both seals are happy and healthy! You are invited to join us as they are released this Sunday, May 8, at 11:30 am at Scusset Beach State Reservation. Bring your mom this Mother’s Day to help us say farewell to these two seals!
To support the rehabilitation of other seals like Sealvester and Vin please click here!
Posted by Kay S.
Kay is a spring/summer, 2016 Intern at the National Marine Life Center. She recently graduated from Purdue University with a degree in Wildlife Management and in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.