$100,000 Challenge in the Mail

Members of Team NMLC formed an assembly line in the conference room this afternoon to “go postal,” so to speak.  They put the finishing touches to mailings for the $100,000 Challenge Grant to open the National Marine Life Center’s new marine animal hospital on October 30th in time for the fall stranding season on Cape Cod.

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$100,000 Challenge Hits the Mail

Proving that no challenge is too difficult for an enthusiastic team, Joanne, Julie, Brian and Don tossed letters, envelopes, stamps and quips around the room like boomerangs.  Now they’re hoping responses will begin rolling into the NMLC in similar piles, so they can ban together once again for another postal party, this time to send you personal notes to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation.


$100,000 Challenge Status, 13 May 2009

While many letters are still in the mail, generous supporters have already nudged this campaign onto the right trajectory, reaching the 7% mark within the first 48 hours of kickoff!  Watch your mailbox this weekend for the challenge grant request.  If for some technical reason it fails to arrive, give us a call at        508-743-9888        or download a copy of the $100,000 Challenge Grant by clicking here, and mail your tax deductible donation to the National Marine Life Center, P.O. Box 269, 120 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02531-0269.

Thank you, thank you, thank you from Team NMLC and from the voiceless ocean animals that will be saved this fall with your generous support.