Story Time and Paper Bag Whales @ NMLC


Okay.  It’s summer vacation and it’s raining outside.  Did I say, “Raining?”  It’s pouring.  The kids are nursing yesterday’s sunburn from 12 hours on the beach.  And you can’t stand one more rerun of SpongeBob SquarePants.  What is a formerly sane parent going to do?  Who you gonna call?

The smart answer is “the National Marine Life Center at   508-743-9888”  to learn about the day’s happening events at the Discovery Center.  If you called this morning, you would have heard about Story Time with a whale of a tale read by Amanda Chilson, followed by that hands-on adventure of creating Paper Bag Whales coordinated by NMLC education director Joanne Nicholson and ably assisted by interns extraordinaire Chelsea Scudder and Amanda Chilson.

Before you reach Story Time and the Whales, you’ll be greeted at the door by Laura Doucette, Discovery Center manager, who’ll make certain that your every expectation is met and exceeded.  Turtles and seals and whales, oh my!

After satisfying your curiosity for knowledge about marine animals and how they are rescued and rehabilitated, you’ll settle down in Story Time Corner, framed by the exquisite Critter Tank and the Giant Whale Fluke in the background.  Amanda opens her book …

When Story Time is done, kids from four to ninety-four meander into the Activity Center where everything lies in readiness to create Paper Bag Whales.  Never been whaling before?  Never mind.  Joanne and her team will guide you through this wholesome adventure.


Could there be a more perfect adventure than Whale Watching at the National Marine Life Center on a rainy day on Cape Cod?  I think not.