Turtles and now dolphins highlight the need for the National Marine Life Center
Over the past several weeks, Cape Cod has been inundated by stranded, cold-stunned sea turtles in what is being described as one of the largest years to date. Now, the International Fund for Animal Welfare’s Marine Mammal Rescue and Research group reports that dolphin strandings are also on the rise. In the past week they’ve had 15 stranded dolphins, and that number is only expected to increase.
Video by NECN.
The National Marine Life Center urgently needs your help to complete our hospital and open our sea turtle ward to stranded animals. Once the turtle ward is complete, we will add seal and dolphin pools so we can help these larger animals as well. Please give today. And thank you.
NMLC’s new marine animal hospital will have two dolphin pools, each large enough for 2-4 animals. Conceptual drawing by cosestudi.