Aquatic Adventure Activity: Make Your Own Manatee Story

Welcome to the first Aquatic Adventure Activity.
The National Marine Life Center will be producing an Aquatic Adventure Activity every Wednesday and Friday, posting the resources to Facebook at 11AM each morning. Blog posts may also be created. We hope these adventures and activities help you learn and enjoy the aquatic world around you. 

If you have suggestions for Aquatic Adventures and the activities. Contact us at to share your ideas. 

It’s your turn to write a story about Manatees. Use this guide below as a template. Fill in the blanks to create a story. Share that story with us on Facebook or in the comments for this post. You can print the story or practice your handwriting skills by re-writing it all. Add your own new twists to the story, did your manatee encounter more on the journey? Perhaps you would like to tell us more about your manatee and what they like to do. 

Have fun creating! 


Visit to find the Aquatic Adventure: Manatee Appreciation Day video.