“Be vewy vewy quiet. I heaw a quahog”

Just only two days ago was the second annual Quahog Day Festival in Sandwich, Massachusetts at the prestigious Hemisphere Restaurant. If you don’t know what this is, don’t worry I’ll explain it to you. This day is a representation of the first day of summer. What happens at this festival is after about an hour of people wandering around the restaurant looking at tables and sampling food and ice cream as they listen to a local band play some quahog related tunes, everyone gathers for the arrival of Doug the Quahog. He is brought in by a limousine carried by clam rake-wielding security personal and is in a fancy sea glass covered basket with a velvet lined pillow for comfort. He is carried down a red carpet to the beach right in front of the Hemisphere. There, he is surrounded by the security and held by Johnny Quahog (aka: Erik Bevans the Secretary General of Quahog Republic and restaurant owner…aka: the man dressed like Sam Adams). Johnny is said to be able to talk to the quahog. All goes silent as the local weatherman holds the microphone close to Doug. Johnny listens intently, then holds the quahog up high and declares that Doug has predicted 13 weeks of good summer weather. Everyone claps and cheers as Doug is lowered back in to his basket. Then everyone heads back to Hemisphere for drinks and rejoicing. The only bad thing about this is that if Doug is wrong he becomes a stuffed Quahog. Sorry Doug (tear).
Hope this was enlightening
Posted by Frank R.
Frank is a Summer, 2010 Intern at the National Marine Life Center. He is a Captive and Wildlife Care and Education Major at Unity College in Maine.