Cape Cod Wildlife Festival

Join us September 17th for a festival celebrating wildlife and habitat on Cape Cod! Booths, educational activities, games, refreshments, and more! Live turtle exhibit at 1 pm. FREE!
Date: Saturday, September 17 (raindate Sunday)
Time: 10 am – 3 pm
Place: Mass Audubon Long Pasture Wildlife Sanctuary, 345 Bone Hill Road, Cummaquid, MA

The festival is hosted by the Cape Cod Wildlife Collaborative, a partnership of non-profit organizations committed to protecting wildlife through rescue, rehabilitation, science, advocacy, habitat conservation, and education.
Participating organizations include: Barnstable Land Trust, Cape Cod Maritime Museum, Cape Wildlife Center, IFAW Marine Mammal Rescue & Research, MassAudubon Long Pasture Wildlife Sanctuary, National Marine Life Center, Orenda Wildlife Trust, Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies, The Thorton W. Burgess Society, Three Bays Preservation, Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, and WildCare.
Click here for a pdf version of our Wildlife Festival 2011 poster!