Catching Joy
“Catching Joy is fun. Catching Joy is simple. Catching Joy is important. Catching Joy is necessary. Catching Joy is good. Catching Joy brings joy to the recipients. Catching Joy brings double the joy to the givers. Catching Joy starts with children. Catching Joy is contagious.”
~ Joy Olaes Surprenant, Founder & President
Catching Joy is a 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to promote volunteerism in pre-school and elementary-aged children. At a recent Catching Joy event that tied together stories, discussion, and art, children created artwork around the theme “Save the Turtles”. Catching Joy donated the artwork to the National Marine Life Center, where these fabulous pieces became part of the decorations for our Mermaid Ball. After the event, the artwork was saved for later display in the Discovery Center and Marine Animal Hospital.

Many thanks to Joy Olaes Surprenant, Catching Joy, and especially the young artists for your joyful artwork and love of turtles!