Category: Animals
You can give a seal a fish, but they may not eat it.
It is finally that time of the season where our oh-so cute harbor seal pups have begun weaning off pup formula and fish gruel and started moving on to being assist fed whole fish then eating fish on their own! Because their mothers are not present, Basil, Rue, Sage, Juniper, and Sea Salt need a […]
A Typical Day @ NMLC
National Marine Life Center – Journal Entry 16 Today was a fairly typical day here at the National Marine Life Center. It is a Saturday, so I had the afternoon shift as well as the late feed – which changed from 11pm to 9pm; I am much less tired at this time! My fellow intern […]
A Day Working on the Animal Care Team
July 6, 2015 This is a blog about one of my days working on the Animal Care team. You would assume every day would be the same – prep feeds, tubing and restraining the animals, cleaning the facilities, etc. However I’ve been surprised with how each day brings something new. Today I was assigned the […]
Cilantro is Going Home!
Join us as we send Cilantro back home to the ocean! Release Details When: Monday, July 6, 2015 Approximate Time: 7:00 PM Where: Scusset Beach State Reservation, Sandwich, MA Cilantro, a weanling male grey seal, stranded on South Beach in Chatham, MA on May 2, 2015. He was rescued by the International Fund for Animal […]
Reflecting on a Successful Turtle Season
The 2014-2015 Cold-Stunned Sea Turtle Stranding will be remembered as a historic, record-breaking event. Over 1,235 sea turtles – Kemp’s ridleys, greens, and loggerheads – washed ashore along the beaches of Cape Cod Bay after succumbing to the chilly waters at the turn of the season. In a typical winter, Cape Cod might see 100-200 […]
Shades of Grey Seal
This spring has been filled with many shades of grey in the National Marine Life Center’s marine animal hospital. Grey seals that is. Our staff and volunteers have been working tirelessly to care for six different grey seal cases. Grey seals are known in the hospital for their feisty personalities so with the 2015 herbs and […]
Sassafras’s Release
On March 19th, the National Marine Life Center’s Animal Care Team received a call from our friends at the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) to see if we had room to potentially take on a new case. NMLC was available to help! After IFAW monitored this young of a year, grey seal for the […]
The Pups Are Coming- Spring Pup “Shower”
This long dreary winter is finally coming to a close, and that means one thing at the National Marine Life Center- the harbor seal pups are on their way. Late April-June is harbor seal pupping season in New England and one of the busiest times for our rehabilitation staff. Each year many pups are abandoned […]
Pepper’s CT Scan
Our grey seal pup, Pepper, was admitted on February 25th, by our friends at the International Fund for Animal Welfare from Sandy Neck Beach, Barnstable, MA. He was collected for rehabilitation due to ear discharge. Dr. Williams confirmed that an ear infection (otitis media) was present in his left ear by radiographs when Pepper was admitted. […]
Sea Turtle #Ride2Release 2015
This marks the second year of the infamous #Ride2Release adventure down to the Florida coast in releasing our Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles. This year due to the Kempocalypse of >1200 turtle strandings, we packed the IFAW van to the brim with our Kemp’s – a total of 14 healthy sea animals. A great thanks to […]