Category: Animals

First Day of Summer – Basking Red Bellied Cooters


Now that the first official day of summer has come and gone our red bellied cooters are enjoying the heat. Four of the cooters currently in our hospital are suffering from metabolic bone disease, which causes malformation of the skeleton and shell as well as metabolic irregularities. I was not familiar with metabolic bone disease […]

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Endangered Red-Bellied Turtle Release – Tuesday, 5/29

The following is an invitation issued by MassWildlife. PUBLIC INVITED TO ENDANGERED TURTLE RELEASE The public is invited to join Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (DFW) staff biologists and other turtle conservation partners to an endangered turtle release event. Attendees will have an opportunity to help release over 100 endangered Northern Red-bellied Cooter hatchlings and […]

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Spring Cooter Releases-May 29th 2012

It is that time of year again, time to say good bye to the 8 Red Bellied Cooter hatchlings we have been housing at the National Marine Life Center since September. These turtles are part of the Massachusetts Red Bellied Cooter Headstart Program and are raised in captivity for the first year of their life. […]

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New Shell Fungus Patient

Last week amidst the crowd of February vacation week visitors we accepted a new turtle patient at the National Marine Life Center. The little Red Bellied Cooter hatchling is part of the state’s head start program and has developed white patches similiar in appearance to the fungus growing on Catch’s shell. His care takers noticed […]

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Turtle Education in Nebraska!

Greetings from the Midwest! Last summer I spent an amazing 3 months as one of the National Marine Life Center’s interns working in turtle rehabilitation and environmental education. While I’ve since moved back to Nebraska to continue working toward my college degree, I’ve used my current position as a resident advisor in the dorms to […]

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Catching up on Catch-22

Catch-22 is a Red Bellied Cooter that came to the NMLC back in May, 2010 as a 9-month old hatchling. Originally part of the State’s turtle head-start program at another facility, Catch was not able to be released with the rest of his “classmates”. At the head-start turn-in event Catch was observed have a fungus […]

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It Takes A Village to Help A Sea Turtle!

First Turtle of 2011 The recent cold snap and last weekend’s nor’easter have resulted in the first turtle stranding of the year.  This animal is currently in rehabilitation at the New England Aquarium.  Click here to read it’s story on the New England Aquarium’s Marine Animal Rescue Team Blog. The Sea Turtle Stranding Network The […]

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Ocean Sunfish Sightings

What’s THAT??? We’ve been getting a number of calls reporting something flopping around in the water, appearing injured, possibly about to strand.  The animals have been reported as entangled sea turtles, sharks, seals, and fish.  Lately, what these fluttering creatures turn out to be is an “Ocean Sunfish.” Ocean sunfish , or Mola, are large, […]

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Back Where She Belongs

One Tuesday the staff and volunteers of the NMLC gathered for a joyous event! The release of Eleanor the Diamondback Terrapin. Eleanor came to the NMLC at the beginning of August after being kept as a pet for about a year. Diamondback Terrapins are a protected species in Massachusetts and cannot be held as pets. […]

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Preparing Eleanor for Release

We have enjoyed caring for the Diamondback Terrapin Eleanor these last few months, but it is time for us to say good bye and send her back where she belongs. Eleanor was brought to the National Marine Life Center back at the beginning of August after being held as a pet for approximately one year. […]

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