Easter Weekend Seal Release!

Frank Sealnatra, a harp seal weanling, was released just in time for Easter! Frank was rescued late February of this year in cooperation with the IFAW Marine Mammal Rescue Team. What started out as a typical Harp seal case of being underweight and dehydrated accompanied with seal lice, became more complicated upon discovering he had pneumonia caused by parasites in his lungs.

Frank was immediately placed on fluid therapy, antibiotics, and nebulizer treatments. He quickly improved and gained the ability to eat on his own. After a little more than a month in rehabilitation here at the National Marine Life Center, Frank was cleared for release, thanks to the hard work of staff and volunteers.

On March 25th at 11:30am Frank Sealnatra was released at Scusset Beach Reservation, Sandwich, MA. After a short pause to pose in the sand Frank made a quick departure into the ocean and didn’t look back! We were excited to return Frank Sealnatra to his ocean home just in time for Easter.
Click here to see more photos from Frank’s release!
To support the rehabilitation of other seals like Frank please click here!