Education and fun for everyone
Here at the National Marine Life Center we do much more than just rehabilitate turtles and seals. We also help educate the public about marine animals. There are many programs and workshops that are offered here during the summer. There are various workshops that are held for the adults and teachers and there are exciting programs for the kids also. The kid’s Little Flippers program is held every week. There we teach the kids about the animals and the things that can harm them and how they end up at the center. They also learn how they can help by doing their part to keep the beaches clean from trash and other debris that can harm the animals. We tell them about what we do here at NMLC to help rehabilitate the seals and turtles which gets them healthy enough to be released back in to the wild. There is also story time where we read a story and then they do a craft that pertains to the story just read. For example they may read a story about sea turtles and then do a sea turtle craft. Every week there is a new marine animal that we feature. There’s something for everyone. We also hold free programs daily. There are patient updates where you can learn about the different species of turtles and seals that are in the center. You can peer into the tanks of the seals via a closed monitor system that is set up in the discovery center. You can watch the sea turtle and seals swim around and if you’re luck you may see them being fed. We monitor the animals closely and the veterinarian visits them every week to see how they are doing. If they are doing well and the federal government gives the go ahead, they can be released back in the wild. Sometimes they are released locally and anyone can come and watch this exciting event. So here at NMLC there is a lot of exciting things going on and everyone should stop by and take part in the action.