Football for Flippers Auction Rules


The rules for the Football for Flippers Ticket and Tour Auction are as follows:

  1. Starting at 2:00pm on August 10th, the auction will run for 96 hours only. The comment with the highest bid posted before 2:00pm on Tuesday, August 14th will be declared the winner. This means that any comments timestamped at 2:00pm and after will not count. The minimum bid will be $100.
  2. Placing a bid is easy, simply just comment the dollar amount of your bid in the comment section of the auction flyer posted on our Facebook page.
  3. Once the auction is closed, a winner will be declared, and we will Facebook message the person with the highest bid.
  4. We will only accept a credit or debit card for payment. The payment will be done over the phone with the National Marine Life Center.
  5. Following payment, the tickets and a certificate for your tour will either be mailed to the winner or picked up, whichever the winner chooses.
  6. Following payment, the tickets and a certificate for your tour will either be mailed to the winner or picked up, whichever the winner chooses.

Happy bidding!