An Intern’s View: Mermaid Ball 2013
The following was written by Marketing and Development Intern Will T.

Thank you for such an amazing Mermaid Ball experience. It was great to see everyone out having a great time and supporting our cause. I can proudly say my first Mermaid Ball was definitely a highlight of my summer.
While I had many other responsibilities at the National Marine Life Center, my main responsibility as a marketing and development intern was to help plan the Mermaid Ball and seek out possible donors. Planning was something I was very familiar with from other jobs, but asking for donations was entirely new to me. While it may not sound like the most difficult task it definitely took some practice.
What helped me get over the awkwardness of asking for donations was familiarizing myself with the NMLC’s goals and all the wonderful people who support it. It did not take long for me to become attached to the NMLC beyond a work-like obligation. It is easier to ask for donations when you know that not only will they support a good cause, but great people.

That’s why the Mermaid Ball was so amazing to me. Everyone in attendance cared so much. While any party at such a beautiful venue as the Bay Pointe Club and with the talented Gina Mark Band as entertainment would be a night to remember, the Mermaid Ball was special because it was an event composed out of mutual gratitude. All of you who donate do so because you love the cause that the National Marine Life Center has come to represent and, in return, we hope that not only do events like the Mermaid Ball show our respect and gratitude, but our hard work in rehabilitating and conducting research on the animals we have all grown to love so much.
In preparing for the Mermaid Ball and working for the National Marine Life Center, I have learned many valuable lessons, but the most important one I had already heard a thousand times but never fully witnessed. One can only work their hardest on what they are most passionate about. As a 20-year-old college student, I cannot say I have found my passion just yet but I know what it will look like when I see it. It will look exactly like the hardworking people at the National Marine Life Center.
Thank you for helping the NMLC host such a successful Mermaid Ball, and thank you for an amazing summer!