One of the most important features of our new marine animal hospital is that it will be well-insulated and weather-tight. When you’ve worked in a cold, leaky warehouse for years, believe me, this is really really exciting! The hospital will feature R-30 insulation in the ceiling and R-24 in the walls.
According to Wikipedia, the R-value is a measure of thermal resistance used in the building and construction industry. Under uniform conditions it is the ratio of the temperature difference across an insulator and the heat flux through it. The bigger the number, the better the building insulation’s effectiveness.
Along with high R-value insulation, we are using the “Simple Saver” liner system. This product provides an excellent vapor barrier (very important in a high-moisture environment!), helps make the insulation more efficient, provides fall protection to roofers, and also features a bright white finish that reflects light nicely and helps reduce electrical use.
Each step of construction brings us one step closer to opening on October 31st!