Meet Rose!
Meet Rose!Rose is our newest patient here at the NMLC. Little Rose was found in Star Island, NH. She was watched and observed for many days to make sure that her mother was not coming back before being rescued and brough to our facility by the Seacoast Science Center. When Rose first came to the NMLC she was very malnourished and thin, but with the help of the volunteers and staff she is putting on weight and improving daily.
Rose is on a formula diet right now, but will be transitioned to fish gruel and eventually whole fish as she grows and gets older. She is in quarantine and being held in a dry holding cell with a little pool and her own heat lamps, but eventually she will be moved and get her own pod like Belmont and Barclay!
Named after Rose Standish, the first boat to come though the Canal, Rose has a very sweet disposition and has already stolen the hearts of the volunteers and staff here at the NMLC. She has a long way to go before rehabilitation but she is well on her way.