Memorial and Tribute Gifts
With a memorial or tribute gift to the National Marine Life Center, you honor someone whose life has special importance to you. You also ensure that future generations will enjoy knowing that marine animals have been given a chance to survive and be released back to their ocean home.
When making your gift, please provide the name of the person you are honoring and where you would like your acknowledgment sent. We will notify the family or individual of your thoughtfulness.

You may also choose to establish a fund in memory of your loved one. These funds can be designated towards a specific program, such as rehabilitation, science, or education, or towards general operations, to ensure the National Marine Life Center’s sustainability into the future.
Existing funds include:
~ The Elizabeth S. Hornor Memorial Fund, which helps fund our marine animal rehabilitation program.
~ The Townsend Hornor Memorial Fund, which helps fund our marine animal hospital construction project.
In donating to these funds, select “In Memory Of” and write Elizabeth S. Hornor or Townsend Hornor in the “Individual’s Name to be Honored” line.
Thank you for choosing the National Marine Life Center.
For more information about your Memorial Gift or Gift in Honor, please contact:
Connie Merigo
President & Executive Director
National Marine Life Center
P.O. Box 269, 120 Main Street
Buzzards Bay, MA 02532-0269
Phone: 508-743-9888
The National Marine Life Center is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization, meaning your memorial or tribute gift to NMLC is tax deductible to the extent permitted by federal law. NMLC’s federal tax identification number is 04-329-0276.