My Senior Project

Hi everyone, my name is Robert Anderson and I am a senior at Cape Cod Academy. For the month of May, I will be volunteering at the National Marine Life Center for my senior project. At Cape Cod Academy the senior class is required to complete 80 hours and four weeks of community service in order to graduate. I chose to volunteer here at the National Marine Life Center because during the fall and winter of the past two years I have spent my Wednesday afternoons helping out with the Red-bellied Cooters and the Diamondback terrapins and I really enjoyed doing that. While here for my project, my main task will be getting the critter tank up and running for this summer. So far I have figured out the filtration system wasn’t working on the right side because the pump was broken, checked the tank for leaks, and set up the aeration system. Another thing I discovered is a way to keep rocks and other things from being sucked into the filtration system. I have also been creating new ways to identify the creatures which involves flipping a picture over to see the facts underneath. Once we obtain a new pump I should be able to get everything working and then hopefully we will be seeing some critters in the tank. Over the next four weeks I’ll keep posting updates, so check back for more.