NMLC’s 12 Needs of Christmas- think of the animals this holiday season
It’s the holiday season, time to think of those in need! Please remember the seals and sea turtles that need your help this season as well. While you are out doing your last minute holiday shopping this week, pick up a small gift for our seal patients Beyonseal, and Frankenseal, or the sea turtle patients Nicky, Jedi & Gunst and those we expect to admit to NMLC in the coming weeks. Here is a fun reminder of a few of the things our patients need!
- On the first day of Christmas the seals and sea turtles needed a VetScan blood analyzer for hematology.
- On the second day of Christmas the seals and sea turtles needed two blood tube rockers, and a VetScan blood analyzer for hematology.
Add the seals to you holiday gift list
- On the third day of Christmas the seals and sea turtles needed three tool racks, two blood rockers, and a VetScan blood analyzer for hematology.
- On the fourth day of Christmas the seals and sea turtles needed four pH probes, three tool racks, two blood tube rockers, and a VetScan blood analyzer for hematology.
- On the fifth day of Christmas the seals and sea turtles needed five stethoscopes, four pH probes, three tool racks, two blood tube rockers, and a VetScan blood analyzer for hematology.
- On the sixth day of Christmas the seals and sea turtles needed six jugs of simple green, five stethoscopes, four pH probes, three tool racks, two blood tube rockers, and a VetScan blood analyzer for hematology.
- On the seventh day of Christmas the seals and sea turtles needed seven pairs of grundens, six jugs of simple green, five stethoscopes, four pH probes, three tool racks, two blood tube rockers, and a VetScan blood analyzer for hematology.
Our Seal-ebrities been very good this year!
- On the eight day of Christmas the seals and sea turtles needed eight garden hoses, seven pairs of grundens, six jugs of simple green, five stethoscopes, four pH probes, three tool racks, two blood tube rockers, and a VetScan blood analyzer for hematology.
- On the ninth day of Christmas the seals and sea turtles needed nine pairs of boots, eight garden hoses, seven pairs of grundens, six jugs of simple green, five stethoscopes, four pH probes, three tool racks, two blood tube rockers, and a VetScan blood analyzer for hematology.

- On the tenth day of Christmas the seals and sea turtles needed ten cases of bleach, nine pairs of boots, eight garden hoses, seven pairs of grundens, six jugs of simple green, five stethoscopes, four pH probes, three tool racks, two blood tube rockers, and a VetScan blood analyzer for hematology.
- On the eleventh day of Christmas the seals and sea turtles needed eleven bottles of laundry detergent, ten cases of bleach, nine pairs of boots, eight garden hoses, seven pairs of grundens, six jugs of simple green, five stethoscopes, four pH probes, three tool racks, two blood tube rockers, and a VetScan blood analyzer for hematology.
- On the twelfth day of Christmas the seals and sea turtles needed twelve boxes of gloves, eleven bottles of laundry detergent, ten cases of bleach, nine pairs of boots, eight garden hoses, seven pairs of grundens, six jugs of simple green, five stethoscopes, four pH probes, three tool racks, two blood tube rockers, and a VetScan blood analyzer for hematology.
If you would like to purchase a gift for the animals please call or email Kate at kshaffer@nmlc.org or 508-743-9888 to arrange a time to drop items off, or you can ship items to the National Marine Life Center PO Box 269, 120 Main St, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532. Our Amazon Smile wishlist is a convenient way to purchase a donation for the animals. You can also purchase an animal adoption for that animal lover of your list! Thank you for your support and Happy Holidays!