Our 100th Seal is HERE!
We are proud to announce that our one hundredth seal has entered our hospital for rehabilitation!! Miley Sealrus, a female gray seal pup, was found in Scituate, MA on March 28 and brought to the NMLC the same day by the New England Aquarium. Upon arrival, she was diagnosed with a rectal prolapse and severe malnourishment. Later on, our staff determined that there were parasites in her system.

Miley’s treatments consisted of ointment to reduce the swelling of the prolapse and deworming antibiotics to flush the parasites out of her system. After a month in our care, she has been taken off all medication and is doing very well!
Continuing on with last year’s naming theme of “seal”ebrities, this gray seal is named after Miley Cyrus, a fitting name because she is very vocal in our hospital. All of our volunteers love to hear her “sing” while we clean out her pod and feed her. She is loving her pool and eats her herring every day.

Our first seal patient was rehabilitated in 2007 and since then, we have grown as an organization to admit many more seals into our care. Fast-forward ten years later, and we are so excited about this milestone in our organization’s history! We wouldn’t be where we are today without our amazing staff, dedicated volunteer teams, and all of our followers, fans, and donors who support all the work we do! Thank you to everyone who made this possible and here’s to 100 more!
Posted by Amy S.
Amy is a second-year marine biology major at Northeastern University. She is currently on co-op at the National Marine Life Center, and is 4 months into her 6 month internship.