Patient Update- December 4th
December 4, 2017 Seals 2 Sea Turtles 32
Bella LugoSEAL– Bella is doing quite well and has been eating great! You may have seen a very cute video of her passing gas lately on our Instagram! She is doing well in her pod and we are excited for her to heal!
Scarlett JohanSEAL– Scarlett is doing well at NMLC and has recently gained an interest in fish! She is now eating some fish off of tongs, which is very exciting news for us! We look forward to seeing how Scarlett improves and watching her interest in fish grow.
Roman & Gunst– As we prepared for new turtles, Roman and Gunst were moved back to our isolation tank! They are both doing very well with their physical therapy and making improvements! Finally, they are preparing for an upcoming CT scan.
New Turtles– On Monday November 27th, we received fifteen more Kemp’s ridley turtles from the New England Aquarium! We now have thirty new Kemp’s ridley turtles, in addition to our two other sea turtles, Gunst and Roman! The majority of these turtles stranded right here on Cape Cod! All of these turtles were cold-stunned, as well, meaning that the water became too cold for them, around 50 degrees. As they are cold-blooded animals they could not withstand a body temperature this low. We have now filled both of our big tanks, DJF and ST2! We are quite busy now and will be rehabilitating these turtles for a few months. Names, further updates, and more pictures to come!
Posted by Megan R.
Megan is a Summer 2-Fall 2017 Animal Care Co-op. She is in her fourth year studying Marine Biology and Environmental Studies at Northeastern University.