Patient Update: May 31st
Patient Update: May 31st
Charles “Charlie” – Charlie is still battling the flu. Because of this, he gets tired very easily and spikes fevers on and off. We are giving him fluids as needed, treating him with antibiotics and putting cool, wet blankets in his room to offset his fevers. We have cut back the length and frequency of his swim time so that he can use all of his energy toward fighting off the influenza virus.
Penobscot– Sadly, on Saturday, May 26th, Penobscot passed away. Her situation had worsened over the previous few days and, despite near round-the-clock care and extra doses of emergency medication, she didn’t make it. Unfortunately, with the delicate nature of pups, especially premies, they have a difficult time fighting off infections and viruses because of their undeveloped immune systems.
Recently, Penobscot had tested “suspect” for phocine (seal) herpes virus in a test sent out to UC Davis. What we saw over the past couple days is indicative of how the disease progresses. Dr. Williams points out that the incubation period for the disease is 10-20 days, so it is likely she came in with it.
Eventually, all harbor seals are exposed to herpes virus. It’s a problem, however, for those seals that are already fragile, immunocompromised, and stressed. Some respond well to supportive care and can make it through, while others can’t.”
Sugar– Sugar has been doing well so far and is very active. Even though she is doing well, all of our pups are considered “critical” due to the delicate nature of their undeveloped immune systems. Sugar enjoys daily swim time.
Parker– Parker has also tested positive for the influenza virus. The test came from samples that were taken during her admit exam, so that means she came into rehab with the virus. We are monitoring her closely but she is very active (and quite spunky!) and she is still enjoying daily swim time.
Mill “Millie”– Millie’s latest round of test results have come in and she is now free of the influenza virus! In a couple weeks, more of her blood samples will go out for testing to be used for a pre-release evaluation. Millie is also enjoying the company Ellis who joined her in the big pool on Tuesday
Ellis “Elle”– Elle is off all medication and no longer getting antifungal shampoo treatments. Her skin has cleared up nicely and she has moved into the big tank with Millie. She seems to enjoy swimming around her new, larger tank!
Saugus “Gus”– Gus is now off all medications. He still has pox lesions but they are regressing! He will be assessed for pre release in a couple weeks.
Gunst, Etta, Bruiser– All three of our Kemp’s ridleys in house did great at their CT scans at Tuft’s University last week! Everyone is still eating well and active in their tank. Our veterinarians are waiting for the final reports from their CT scan so they can analyze the results and determine the next steps in their rehabilitation.
Posted by Michaela W.
Michaela is second semester intern who recently graduated from the University of Rhode Island with a degree in Marine Biology.