Presentations and Publications
Notable Stingray Spine-Associated Strandings Involving Two Female Bottlenose Dolphins in Florida and Massachusetts, USA, in the Context of Literature and Database Reviews
Rose Borkowski,1 Allison C. Perna,2 Nadia J. Gordon,2 Alvin C. Camus,3 John M. Gliatto,4 Connie Merigo,5 and Lauren A. Polimeno1
1Jacksonville University, 2800 University Boulevard North, Jacksonville, FL 32211, USAE-mail:
2Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Jacksonville, FL 32218, USA
3University of Georgia, Department of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Athens, GA 30602, USA
4Narberth, PA 19072, USA
5National Marine Life Center, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532, USA
Puryear, W, Sawatzki, K, Bogomolni, A, Hill, N, Foss, A, Stokholm, I, Olsen, MT, Nielsen, O, Waltzek, T, Goldstein, T, Subramaniam, K, Rodrigues, TCS, Belaganahalli, M, Doughty, L, Becker, L, Stokes, A, Niemeyer, M, Tuttle, A, Romano, T, Linhares, MB, Fauquier, D, Runstadler, J. (2021). Longitudinal analysis of pinnipeds in the Northwest Atlantic provides insights on endemic circulation to Phocine distemper virus. Proceedings B 288 (1962),
Swingle, M., Deerr, B., Dittmar, J., Koperski, M., Manire, C.A., Melamet, W., Merigo, C., Montello, M., Price, C., Rose, S., Sampson, K., White, A., Zagzebski, K.A. 2019. Stranding networks: administer the three R’s in the American Atlantic. SWOT Report 14:40-41.
Williams, C.R., Dennison, S., Dunnigan, B., Moore, B.H., Nicholson, J.J.S., Zagzebski, K.A., Ketten, D., Cramer, S., and Arruda, J. 2013. Diagnosis and management of intestinal partial obstruction in a loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 44(2), 457-461.
For an abstract of this paper, click here.
Williams, C.R., Sims, M.A., Roth-Johnson, L., and Wickes, B. 2012. Surgical removal of an abscess associated with Fusarium solani from a Kemp’s ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys kempii). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 43(2), 402-406.
For an abstract of this paper, click here.
Innis, C., Nyaoke, A.C., Williams, C.R., Dunnigan, B., Merigo, C., Denise L., Woodward, D.L., Weber, E.S., and Frasca, Jr., S. 2009. Pathologic and parasitologic findings of cold-stunned Kemp’s ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys kempii) stranded on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2001-2006. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 45(3), 594-610.
For an abstract of this paper, click here.
Zagzebski, K.A., Gulland, F.M.D., Haulena, M., Lander, M.E., Greig, D.J., Gage, L., Hanson, M.B., Yochem, P.K., and Stewart, B.S. 2006. Twenty-five Years of rehabilitation of odontocetes stranded in Central and Northern California, 1977 to 2002. Aquatic Mammals, 32(3), 334-345.
For an abstract of this paper, click here.
Goldstein, T., Doughty, L., Fauquier, D., Colegrove, K., Rostein, D., Saliki, J., Sanchez, S., Puryear, W., Batista Linhares, M., Runstaedler, J., Sawatzki, K., Smyth, J., Walk, D., Sidor, I., Jones, L., Stokes, A., Niemeyer, M., Bogomolni, A., Schuh, J., Becker, L., Montello, M., DiGiovanni Jr., R., Pagel, J., Shaffer, K., Pugliares-Bonner, K., Weschler, A., Thurman, S., Costidis, A., Murray, K., Smith, A., Muller, S., Smith, B., Belaganahalli, M., Greig, D., Rowles, T. 2019. Phocine distemper outbreak in phocid seals off the United States east coast in 2018-2019. Presentation at the World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Puryear, W., Sawatzki, K., Bogomolni, A., Foss, A., Klink, A., Doughty, L., Niemeyer, M., Goldstein, T., Zagzebski, K.A., Stokes, A., Schuh, J., Murray, K., Fauquier, D., Garron, M., Bortz, E., Runstaedler, J. 2019. Evidence for factors that shift virus from endemic to outbreak in ongoing circulation of both IAV and PDV within pinnipeds of the Northwest Atlantic. Presentation at the World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Zagzebski, K.A., Ryack-Bell, S., Mommsen, G.H. 2019. Using marine animals to engage non-traditional audiences in STEM and ocean literacy. Presentation at the World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Ryack-Bell, S., McIntosh, L., Zagzebski, K.A. 2019. Marine science and technology in the classroom. Presentation at the National Science Teachers’ Association Conference, St. Louis, Missouri.
Williams, C.R., Voorhis, A., Berridge, B., Becker, L., Wyman, W., Nicoletta, G., Zagzebski, K.A. 2019. Eyes of the World: PHV-1 ocular lesions in juvenile harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). Presentation at the Greater Atlantic Region Stranding Conference, Freeport, Maine.
Williams, C.R., Starzynski, K., Vandermeer, L., Zagzebski, K.A. 2019. Deepwater Horizon Disaster, a study in bottlenose dolphin parasites: Lung worms of a different color, the genus Halocercus. Presentation at the Greater Atlantic Region Stranding Conference, Freeport, Maine.
Zagzebski, K.A., Ryack-Bell, S., Mommsen, G.H. 2019. Using Marine Animals to Engage Non-traditional Audiences in STEM and Ocean Literacy. Presentation at the National Marine Educators’ Association Conference, Durham, New Hampshire.
McIntosh, L., Wilkinson, B., Duff, E., Zagzebski, K.A. 2018. Immersing students and teachers in science field research: Developing collaborations between informal educators, formal educators, and research scientists. Presentation at the National Science Teachers’ Association Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
Williams, C.R., Berridge, B., McKenna, K.R., Voorhis, A., Wyman, W., Zagzebski, K.A. 2018. Megaesophagus in maternally dependent harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). Presentation at the Northwest Atlantic Seal Research Consortium, New Bedford, Massachusetts.
McKenna, K., Williams, C.R., Zagzebski, K.A., Madden, M.R., and Voorhis, A. 2017. Shell necrosis of the dermal bone related to cold-stunning in sea turtles and terrapins. Presentation at the Greater Atlantic Region Stranding Conference, Hull, Massachusetts.
Pugliares-Bonner, K., McKenna, K.R., Sette, L., Niemeyer, M., and Tlusty, M. 2017. The prevalence of alopecia in gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) in Massachusetts, USA, 2004-2013. Presentation at the Greater Atlantic Region Stranding Conference, Hull, Massachusetts.
Puryear, W.B., Madden, M.R., Myers, L., Schuh, J., Williams, C.R., Tuttle, A., Romano, T., Zagzebski, K.A., and Runstadler, J. 2017. Influenza A and B viruses in rehabilitated seals have increased in both frequency and species diversity since 2014. Presentation at the Greater Atlantic Region Stranding Conference, Hull, Massachusetts.
Starzynski, K.L., Williams, C.R., Shaffer, K.E., Madden, M.R., and Zagzebski, K.A. 2017. Charismatic microfauna: findings from the National Marine Life Center’s Morphological Marine Mammal Parasite Program. Poster presentation at the Cape Cod Natural History Conference, West Barnstable, Massachusetts.
Williams, C.R., Madden, M.R., McKenna, K.R., Voorhis, A., and Zagzebski, K.A. 2017. Megaesophagus in maternally dependent harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). 2017. Presentation at the Greater Atlantic Region Stranding Conference, Hull, Massachusetts.
Williams, C.R., Voorhis, A., Madden, M.R., McKenna, K.R., and Zagzebski, K.A. 2017. Bone core biopsy in Kemp’s ridley sea turtles. Presentation at the Greater Atlantic Region Stranding Conference, Hull, Massachusetts.
Madden, M.R., Williams, C.R., Shaffer, K.E., Voorhis, A., and Zagzebski, K.A. 2016. Tagged, You’re It! Two case studies of infected tags or brands of stranded animals. Poster presentation at the National Marine Animal Stranding Network Conference, Shepherdstown, West Virginia.
Shaffer, K.E., Williams, C.R., Zagzebski, K.A., Madden, M.R., Voorhis, A., and Sidor, I. 2016. Weanlings, natural mortalities, and presentations of disease (or “Weanlings Don’t Suck”). Poster presentation at the National Marine Animal Stranding Network Conference, Shepherdstown, West Virginia.
Zagzebski, K.A. and Shaffer, K.E. 2016. Marine Animal Medical Mystery – rehab-related, STEAM-based lesson plans at the National Marine Life Center. Presentation at the National Marine Animal Stranding Network Conference, Shepherdstown, West Virginia.
Fravel, V.A., Procter, D., and Williams, C.R. 2015. Successful diagnosis and treatment of Orthohalarachne nasal mites utilizing voluntary phinoscopy in 3 Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus). Presentation at the International Association of Aquatic Animal Medicine Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Madden, M.R., Williams, C.R., Shaffer, K.E., Voorhis, A., and Zagzebski, K.A. 2015. Tagged, You’re It! Two case studies of infected tags or brands of stranded animals. Presentation at the Greater Atlantic Region Stranding Conference, Hyannis, Massachusetts.
Williams, C.R., Zagzebski, K.A., Shaffer, K.E., Rubinstein, B., Voorhis, A., and Sidor, I. 2015. Weanlings, natural mortalities, and presentation of disease (or “Weanlings Don’t Suck”).
Presentation at the Greater Atlantic Region Stranding Conference, Hyannis, Massachusetts.
Presentation at the Northwest Atlantic Seal Research Consortium, Salem, Massachusetts.
Williams, C.R. 2014. Common parasites of marine mammals: A three-year stranding perspective. Presentation at the Northeast Region Stranding Conference, Mystic, Connecticut.
Williams, C.R., Voorhis, A., Shaffer, K.E., Rubinstein, B., and Zagzebski, K.A. 2014. Rounds notes live: Case studies at the National Marine Life Center. Presentation at the Northeast Region Stranding Conference, Mystic, Connecticut.
Williams, C.R., Shaffer, K.E., and Zagzebski, K.A. 2013. Those pesky parasites: Findings from the National Marine Life Center’s Morphological Marine Mammal Parasite Program. Presentation at the Northeast Regional Stranding Conference, Riverhead, New York.
Williams, C.R., Zagzebski, K.A., and Shaffer, K.E. 2013. Case Study: Otitis media in a juvenile harbor seal. Presentation at the Northeast Regional Stranding Conference, Riverhead, New York.
Zagzebski, K.A. and Trudel, S. 2012. Marine Animal Medical Mystery: rehab-related, science-based lesson plans at the National Marine Life Center. Poster presentation at the Northeast Regional Stranding Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.
Williams, C.R. 2011. Zoonotic diseases and personal protective equipment (PPE). Presentation at the Northeast Regional Stranding Conference. Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Williams, C.R. 2010. Examples of parasites of sea turtles, seals, and cetaceans. Three poster presentations at the National Marine Animal Stranding Network Conference, Shepherdstown, West Virginia.
Williams, C.R. 2010. Introduction to the parasites of stranded marine animals. Presentation at the National Marine Animal Stranding Network Conference, Shepherdstown, West Virginia.
Nicholson, J.J., McNally, K.L., Zagzebski, K.A., Russell, P., and Forrester, K. 2009. Got math: Using marine animal rehabilitation to enhance math skills. Presentation at the Northeast Region Marine Animal Stranding Conference, Salem, Massachusetts.
Williams, C.R. 2009. Cetacean euthanasia: perspectives of a veterinarian from the Northeast region. Presentation at the Southeast Region Marine Animal Stranding Conference, St. Augustine Beach, Florida.
Williams, C.R. 2009. A thorn in our sides: First report of an Acanthocephalan from a Kemp’s ridley sea turtle. Presentation at the Northeast Region Marine Animal Stranding Conference, Salem, Massachusetts.
Williams, C.R. and Ketten, D. 2009. The use of positional computerized tomography to determine the presence of free gas in the coelom of a sea turtle. Presentation at the Northeast Region Marine Animal Stranding Conference, Salem, Massachusetts.
Nicholson, J., Zagzebski, K.A., Russell, P., Forrester, K., and McNally, K. 2008. Got math: Using marine animal rehabilitation to promote math skills. Presentation at the National Marine Educators Association Conference, Savannah, Georgia.
Williams, C.R. 2008. A fungus among us: Fungal disease in sea turtles and marine mammals. Presentation at the Northeast Region Marine Animal Stranding Conference, Providence, Rhode Island.
Williams, C.R., and Dunnigan, B. 2008. Parasites of the Kemp’s ridley sea turtle and the role they play as hosts of parasites in Cape Cod Bay and beyond. Poster presentation at the Cape Cod Natural History Conference, Cape Cod Community College, West Barnstable, Massachusetts.
Williams, C.R., and Sims, M.A. 2007. Arthritis in sea turtles. Presentation at the Northeast Region Marine Animal Stranding Conference, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Barco, S., Merigo, C., Touhey, K.M., and Zagzebski, K.A. 2005. Ethics of marine mammal stranding response. Presentation at the National Marine Mammal Stranding Conference, Lounsbury, Virginia.