Store to Shore in Portland, Maine

For our friends and supporters in Maine…. Join the National Marine Life Center and our partners in the Maine Stranding Collaborative (UNE Marine Animal Rehabilitation Center, Marine Mammals of Maine, and Allied Whale) as well as other coastal non-profits at “Store to Shore” – a 9-day coastline expo at the Maine Mall! There’ll be wall to wall exhibits and activities that explore our relationship with Maine’s OTHER big backyard!
April 14, 10-5: Kick-off the week with a seal naming contest! Coast 93.1 will do a live broadcast from the mall. Come by and tell the world what you’d name a seal! The Maine Strandings Collaborative will choose one name and the winner gets a tour of the UNE Marine Animal Rehabilitation Center (a rehab for stranded animals) when the seal is rescued AND will get invited to come along for the seal’s release into the wild!
Every day, 10-5: The Maine Stranding Collaborative will have educational materials, talks, and activities for kids. The National Marine Life Center will be helping to staff this booth April 15-16.
Every day, 10-5: SailMaine, Portland’s non-profit community sailing program, will host indoor rigging demonstrations and other activities for shoppers using boats that kids and adults can sail in SailMaine programs this summer.
Every day, 12-5: New England Aquarium will teach youngsters or the young-at-heart through tidal pool touch tanks.
Saturdays and weekdays at 10, 11, 1, and 2, and Sundays at 1 and 2: South Portland Middle School will demonstrate their Navy-sponsored remote control submarine project, as well as lobster traps and fishing nets they’ve engineered.
April 18th, 11am-4pm: American Red Cross Blood Drive