Tag: headstart program

Northern Red-Bellied Cooters release approaching- Getting a “Head Start”!

headstart program

With all the diverse wildlife in Massachusetts, the Northern red-bellied cooter is one of the most beautiful…and endangered!  The Northern red-bellied cooter population of Massachusetts lives more than 250 miles from the rest of the species who inhabit areas of Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina. Listed under the Endangered Species Act since 1980. In 1984, […]

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The Hatchlings Have Arrived

headstart program

The Red Bellied Cooters hatchlings arrived early this year. Last week our staff and volunteers  traveled to Westboro MA to collect our 2012-2013 class of Red Bellied Cooter hatchlings from the field office of the Natural Heritage Endangered Species Program of the Massachusetts Division of Fish and Wildlife. We received 8 tiny hatchlings again this […]

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Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend


On Friday July 13th Catch 22 was released after two years in rehabilitation at the National Marine Life Center recovering from a shell fungal infection. Catch’s new home is in Tremont Pond in West Wareham. The release event was attended by many of our dedicated volunteers who have spent countless hours careing for Catch. A […]

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