Tag: marine mammal parasite of the month

Marine Parasite of the Month Answer- December

marine mammal parasite of the month

This parasite is Sulcascaris sulcata and it infects its host through their food( e.g. mollusks such as mussels and scallops). First, infected turtles pass the eggs of the parasite into the water through their waste products. The eggs are negatively buoyant, which means they sink to the bottom, and they are sucked up by the […]

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Marine Parasite of the Month-December 2021

marine mammal parasite of the month

This nematode, or parasitic worm, is in the family Anisakidae and is the only species in the genus Sulcascaris. Most members of the family parasitize aquatic mammals, birds, and fish but this one parasitizes sea turtles including loggerhead, Kemp’s ridley, and green turtles of all ages. It’s been reported infecting turtles in shallow waters in […]

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Marine Mammal Parasite of the Month Answer- April 2021

marine mammal parasite of the month

This parasite is the marine mammal lungworm! Here at NMLC the most common lung worm infections we see present in our seals are Otostrongylus circumlitus and Parafilaroides gymnurus. These are mostly found during routine fecal analysis of our seals, but can also be seen during necropsies as well. Some of the first signs of a […]

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Marine Mammal Parasite of the Month- March 2021 Answer

marine mammal parasite of the month

The parasite is known as the Bolbosoma species, a member of the Acanthocephala phylum. Due to its appearance, its common name is “thorny-headed worm”. A Bolbosoma infection can be diagnosed through visible larvae in the fecal matter. An animal with abdominal discomfort can also be in indicator of intestinal worms. Unfortunately, no effective treatment has […]

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Marine Mammal Parasite of the Month – Answer Oct 2012

Dr. Williams

These are seal lice, or Echinophthrius horridus. They are lice, sucking lice, or Anoplurans to be more precise. Lice are insects within the hexapods with 6 legs, as opposed to mites which are arachnids with 8 legs (some  parasite mites may have fewer; impress your friends!). Echinophthrius horridus are found on many phocids such as […]

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Marine Mammal Parasite of the Month – Oct. 2012

marine mammal parasite of the month

Here is an easy one.  These parasites were found attached to the fur of a seal.   What are they (scientific name and general taxon please) ? Name three risks associated with infection.

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Marine Mammal Parasite of the Month-Answer March 2012


Answers: These are “Phillobothrium delphini” What is interesting concerning these parasites is that cestodes, like most animals, are named for their adult form (the tape worm) which has never been described, or more likely is well know, but not related to their other earlier life stages.  This means that the two parasites Phyllobothrium delphini and […]

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