Tag: MassAudubon Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary
Turtles, turtles galore!
2014 is a historic year for sea turtle strandings, with unprecedented number coming ashore. To date, nearly 1,200 have stranded. These numbers have put a strain not only on our Massachusetts sea turtle rescue and rehabilitation organizations, but on turtle hospitals all along the east coast who have stepped up to help. The turtles are […]
Diamondback Terrapin Release!
This past Wednesday, National Marine Life Center staff and volunteers took a little road trip down to Lieutenant Island, Mass Audubon Welfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary to release three of our Diamondback Terrapins – Penny, Schofield, and Bubbles. The three terrapins had all been victims of cold stunning, meaning that their internal body temperatures had dropped dangerously […]
Ten Turtles Arrive at NMLC
Last week, ten new Kemp’s ridley sea turtle patients arrived at the National Marine Life Center. All stranded on Cape Cod within the past month suffering from cold-stunning or severe hypothermia. The turtles were rescued by MassAudubon Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary and underwent several weeks of emergency care at the New England Aquarium. They will continue […]
The Great Sea Turtle Trek
46 turtles 1,234 miles and RELEASE! This winter’s sea turtle cold-stun season on Cape Cod was the largest to date. A total of 393 turtles stranded, of which 242 were alive and suffering from severe hypothermia. In a normal year, there are an average of 70 live strandings. Sea turtles are rescued by Mass Audubon […]
Meet the Turtles!
Eight new Kemp’s ridley sea turtle patients have arrived at the National Marine Life Center, thus marking another milestone as the first sea turtles in our new marine animal hospital. All eight animals stranded on Cape Cod beaches this November suffering from having been cold-stunned. Cold-stunning is a form of severe hypothermia that impacts these […]