Tag: Russeall Crowe

Russeall Crowe Release!

gray seal

The day of March 31st  International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) received reports of multiple seals stranding along Brewster beaches. After IFAW personnel ran from beach to beach to follow up on these reports of sickly seals, they eventually realized that it was all the same seal! Now known as “Russeall Crowe,” was beach hopping […]

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Our Seal-ebrity Line Up!

Celine Dion

Things have been action packed here at NMLC and we have five new Seal-ebrities to add to our hall of fame! “Sealvester Stallone,” a gray weanling seal, was brought to us March 18 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). Stallone was found on Gooseberry Island and was critically dehydrated, malnourished, and had lesions […]

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