Tag: University of New England
The Great Sea Turtle Trek
46 turtles 1,234 miles and RELEASE! This winter’s sea turtle cold-stun season on Cape Cod was the largest to date. A total of 393 turtles stranded, of which 242 were alive and suffering from severe hypothermia. In a normal year, there are an average of 70 live strandings. Sea turtles are rescued by Mass Audubon […]
First Patient in the New Hospital – Townsend the Seal!
We are pleased to announce the first patient in our new marine animal hospital – Townsend the harbor seal! Townsend is a juvenile male harbor seal that stranded September 6 on Old Orchard Beach in Maine suffering from respiratory distress and cuts to his face and chin. He was rescued by NOAA Fisheries and transported […]
Seal of Approval – NMLC Receives Approval to Rehabilitate Seals
YIPPEE, YAHOO, HOORAY! The National Marine Life Center’s new marine animal hospital is officially open to seal patients! On Friday the National Marine Life Center became a designee under the University of New England Marine Animal Rehabilitation Center’s (UNE) stranding agreement with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA regulates all marine animal stranding […]