TEACHER WORKSHOP: Go Under the Sea with STEM
Join us for this One-Week Institute for Middle and High School Educators! REGISTER ON-LINE: https://www.wadeinstitutema.org/2019-cape-cod-region-summer-professional-development-institute/ Go Under the Sea with STEM and Investigate Marine Life From Open Ocean to Coastal Shores! Discover how technology and engineering have advanced the study of marine animal science as you explore the natural history of many diverse, fascinating, and […]
Pepper’s CT Scan
Our grey seal pup, Pepper, was admitted on February 25th, by our friends at the International Fund for Animal Welfare from Sandy Neck Beach, Barnstable, MA. He was collected for rehabilitation due to ear discharge. Dr. Williams confirmed that an ear infection (otitis media) was present in his left ear by radiographs when Pepper was admitted. […]
Patient Profiles
It was a whirlwind winter & spring at NMLC and the staff and volunteers have been very busy taking care of the patients in our new marine animal hospital! We have had some very interesting and sometimes complicated cases in our first six months of serving the marine animals of Massachusetts again! Let me introduce […]
CT scans at WHOI diagnose ear infection in Townsend
On the surface, Townsend the harbor seal looks healthy. He is active, alert, eating, and of good body weight. Unfortunately, as with many wild animals, his demeanor hides a serious illness. As we reported last month, shortly after arrival we noticed a discharge coming from Townsend’s left ear. We feared this could mean he had […]