Tag: Wishlist
NMLC’s 12 Needs of Christmas- think of the animals this holiday season
It’s the holiday season, time to think of those in need! Please remember the seals and sea turtles that need your help this season as well. While you are out doing your last minute holiday shopping this week, pick up a small gift for our seal patients Beyonseal, and Frankenseal, or the sea turtle patients […]
Seal Pup Shower Saturday April 16, 2016
We’re expecting here at the National Marine Life Center- the harbor seal pups are on their way! Late April-June is harbor seal pupping season in New England and one of the busiest times for our rehabilitation staff. Each year many pups are abandoned by their mothers, often due to human interaction and will not survive […]
The Pups Are Coming- Spring Pup “Shower”
This long dreary winter is finally coming to a close, and that means one thing at the National Marine Life Center- the harbor seal pups are on their way. Late April-June is harbor seal pupping season in New England and one of the busiest times for our rehabilitation staff. Each year many pups are abandoned […]