Tarragon & Oregano Now Available For Adoption- A Great Holiday Gift
We are happy to announce that harbor seal patients Tarragon & Oregano are now available for adoption!

Tarragon is a female weanling harbor seal from Jeremy Point in Wellfleet, MA and was rescued by our friends at the International Fund For Animal Welfare on September 27, 2015. She was brought in due to a case of human interaction and was malnourished with body lesions. She underwent antibiotic, fluid, and de-worming treatments and was recently approved for release by our veterinary staff. We have applied to NOAA for permission to release and are anxiously awaiting her return home for the holidays! To adopt Tarragon CLICK HERE.

Oregano is a male weanling harbor seal rescued by the folks at the Sea Coast Science Center from a beach in Seabrook, NH on October2, 2015. Oregano suffered from an upper respiratory infection, body lesions, parasitic infections, and a case of seal pox. Oregano’s condition has improved greatly, he is finishing his course of antibiotics and eating on his own. Once his pox lesions begin to recede he will be approved for wild release. To adopt Oregano and support his return to the ocean CLICK HERE.
The holidays are approaching and what better way to support marine animal rehabilitation at the National Marine Life Center than to purchase an animal adoption as a gift for your friends and loved ones. You can select one of our current or past marine animal patients to adopt for a friend, family member, or yourself this holiday season. This is the perfect gift for the animal lover, conservationist, or person who has it all. For a $35 donation (plus shipping and handling), you will receive an 8 1/2”x11” animal profile including a color photo and background information on your selected marine animal patient, a 10” plush animal (seal or sea turtle depending on the animal you select), a certificate for a 1 year family membership to the National Marine Life Center, and an official adoption certificate.
Adoptions are a great way to become more familiar with the animals we care for and to help them in their rehabilitation process so that they can make their way back into the wild. All the proceeds from animal adoptions directly benefit our marine animal patients.
- To order your adoption package today please call the National Marine Life Center at (508) 743-9888, or stop in Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm at 120 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, or order online here. Adopt your favorite NMLC patient today!
Your adoption makes this possible!