Thank You, 2016 Feet, Fins, & Flippers 5K Sponsors!
The 2016 Feet, Fins, & Flippers 5K was a tremendous success, raising over $10,100 to help the animals! Many thanks to the following sponsors for their generous support. When you visit these fine businesses, please thank them for helping our community and the National Marine Life Center!
Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle ($1,000-2,499):
Convention Data Services
Loggerhead Sea Turtle ($500-999):
Buzzards Bay Veterinary Associates
Carlson & Associates
Horsley Witten Group
Marathon Sports
Gray Seal ($250-499):
ABC Designs
Cape Cod Bagel
Cape Cod 5 Cents Savings Bank
Cape Cod Life
Jeff & Anne Cassim
James & Lorna Ciavola, In Memory of Daniel & Doris
Coastal Engineering Company, Inc.
The Fair Insurance Agency
Tim Hines & Roberta Morris
Mary Neumann
Rockland Trust
Wagner Motors
Kathy Zagzebski
Harbor Seal ($100-249):
A Direct Solution
Ameriprise Financial
Dunkin’ Donuts, Buzzards Bay & Couto Management Group
Kids on the Cape
Krua Thai
Linda Luce, In Memory of Jeff
Purple Turtle Productions
United Insurance Agency, Buzzards Bay
Other & In-Kind:
Captain John Whale Watching
Kkatie’s Burger Bar
Mazzilli Farm Stand, Wareham
Steve McManus
Mezza Luna
Nick’s Pizza House
Heidi Sanders
Shaw’s, Cedarville
Stop & Shop, Sandwich
Stop & Shop, Wareham
Trader Joe’s, Hyannis
Whole Foods, Hyannis