Thank You, Feet, Fins, & Flippers 5K Sponsors!


Thanks to our 2017 Feet, Fins, and Flippers 5K Sponsors, this year’s event was a success! Click here to read more about the event, including the race winners. We are grateful to our sponsors for their support. When you patronize these businesses, please thank them for supporting the National Marine Life Center and our marine wildlife rehabilitation, science, and education programs.

Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle ($1,000-2,499):
Convention Data Services

Loggerhead Sea Turtle ($500-999):
Coastal Engineering Company, Inc.
Horsley Witten Group

Gray Seal ($250-499):
ABC Designs
Buzzards Bay Veterinary Associates
Cape Cod Bagel
Cape Cod 5 Cents Savings Bank
Jeff & Anne Cassim
James & Lorna Ciavola, In Memory of Daniel Debarros
Douglas Napa Auto Parts
The Fair Insurance Agency
First Citizens Federal Credit Union
Tim Hines & Roberta Morris
G.H. Dunn Insurance Agency
The Law Offices of Camala A. Richardson
Mary Neumann
Purple Turtle Productions
Rockland Trust
Wilcox & Barton
Jim & Ann Marie Zagzebski

Harbor Seal ($100-249):
A Direct Solution
Cape Cod Life
Carlson & Associates
Dunkin’ Donuts / Cuoto Management Group
Falmouth Toyota
Five Star Golf Cars
Glynn Electric
Kids on the Cape
Marathon Sports
Patricia Piva
The Physical Therapy Center of Bourne
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
A Shear Experience Salon & Spa
United Insurance Agency, Buzzards Bay
Kathy Zagzebski

Other & In-Kind:
Canal Cruisers Bicycles
Hair Boutique II
KKatie’s Burger Bar
Red Top Sporting Goods
Steve McManus
Sailworld Cape Cod
Heidi Sanders
Shaw’s, Cedarville
Shaw’s, Wareham
Starbuck’s, Buzzards Bay
Stomping Grounds
Stop & Shop, Sandwich
Stop & Shop, Wareham
Trader Joe’s, Hyannis
Tropic Tans
Violette Tide Studios