Triple Sealebrity Release Planned
We are planning another seal release for this coming Tuesday November 15th at 10:30am, this time featuring three of our most recent sealebrities. The event will take place at Scussett Beach in Sandwich and will include three of our weanling harbor seal patients, the first of which is Seal Roger Williams. “Rogers” as we refer to him is named after our very own internal celebrity Dr. Sea Rogers Williams our Attending Veterinarian, and resident parasitologist who provides veterinary oversight on all of our rehabilitation cases and was well deserving of a seal namesake! Rogers (the seal) was admitted to NMLC on September 30, 2016 after being rescued by our friends at the Seacoast Science Center in Rye, NH. This little seal came in with a severe upper respiratory infection, open wounds on his belly and flippers, and a heavy infestation of parasites, which made him a great case for his namesake to investigate. After just over a month in rehabilitation his wounds have healed, he is breathing normally, and packing on the pounds in our large rehabilitation pool.
Joining her pal Rogers will be Alicia Sealverstone. Also rescued by the Seacoast Science Center Alicia was brought to us on September 2, 2016. This little female weanling harbor seal came to us in extremely poor nutritional condition. She has several ulcers and lacerations on her body, a significant parasite load, and an upper respiratory infection. She took a little longer to rebound from her ailments and start putting on some weight, but we are happy to report that she has reached the necessary benchmarks and will be returning to the sea with her tank mates early next on Tuesday.
Also on the cast list for Tuesday’s main feature is Sealock Holmes a male harbor seal weanling. This little guy was brought to us on October 13, 2016 from York, ME by the team at the Marine Mammals of Maine. He was admitted with wounds a suspected viral infection, pneumonia, and internal parasites. He has made a fairly quick recovery thanks to fluid and antibiotic treatments and with be sleuthing around the ocean again soon. The public is invited to attend both of these release events, and send our sealebrities on to their next starring roles!