Turtle Release in Maryland!

Our last four sea turtles are on their way home!
Topsy, Gerald, Betsy, and Ernest are on their way to warmer Maryland waters where they will be released back into the ocean. This week, Dr. Williams conducted one last health check and approved the turtles for release. Animal Care Coordinator Kate Shaffer applied flipper tags and microchips to each turtle. Volunteers fed them one last big meal this

morning, and loaded them up for transport this afternoon.
It is still too cold in Massachusetts for release, and we want the animals to be able to get back to the wild as soon as possible. That’s why we decided to release them further south. We also want to make room in our hospital for more animals in need!
Our turtles will be released along with three from the National Aquarium. And,

congratulations are in order to our friends at the National Aquarium’s Marine Animal Rescue Program, because they will be releasing their 100th animal!
The public is invited to observe this release! Here are the details.
Sea Turtle Release (public welcome!)
Date: Saturday, June 22, 2013
Time: 4:00 pm EST
Place: Point Lookout State Park, Swimming Beach, 11175 Point Lookout Road,

Scotland, MD
If you can’t be there, please check out NMLC’s Facebook page later this weekend for photos and updates!