Upcoming Release: Major Margaret “Hotlips” Houlihan

The National Marine Life Center is please to announce that Major Margaret “Hotlips” Houlihan has been cleared for release by our attending veterinarian and the National Marine Fisheries Service. The release event will take place on Sunday January 13th, 2013 at 10am at Scussett Beach at the end of Scussett Beach Rd in Sagamore, MA, and everyone is welcome to attend. Hotlips was the first animal to be directly admitted into the NMLC’s new marine animal hospital building. She came to us dehydrated, emaciated and suffering from severely infected facial wounds. To read more about her case please visit our previous post by clicking here. We were unsure if she would be able to close her nostrils and dive, and had doubts about her potential to be released. However, “Hotlips” proved to us all how resilient she is, and has overcome all of her ailments. Despite her permanent smile, she has passed her evaluation with flying colors, and we are anxious to get he back out to the ocean, where she belongs. We hope you can come and help us see her off.