We Have a Winner – 5K T-shirt Design Contest

We would like to send a big congratulations to Jennifer Tribou of Buzzards Bay, MA the winner of our first annual Feet Fins & Flippers 5K T-shirt design Contest. Jennifer’s design, pictured above was selected in a vote by our staff and volunteers. We loved this whimsical design and think it really portrays the National Marine Life Center and our family friendly 5K run & walk. The design will be featured on the front of this years official race t-shirt. In addition to this honor Jennifer will receive a free entry into the race, a t-shirt, a free family membership to the National Marine Life Center and a behind the scenes tour of or marine animal hospital.

We would also like to acknowledge Casi Coffin of Sandwich, MA who submitted the 2nd place design. Casi’s design pictured to the left has earned her a free family membership to the National Marine Life Center as well. Thank you to everyone who entered the competition. We received many wonderful designs and were honored by the great community response. Many designs were submitted by local high school students.
It’s not to late to register for the Feet Fins & Flippers 5K on May 26th 2013! Don’t miss your opportunity to get one of the limited edition t-shirts! But hurry up and get your registration in! T-shirts are only guaranteed for the first 100 race participants. If you have questions or wish to pay by cash or check call (508)-743-9888 or visit us at 120 Main St Buzzards Bay.