Weekly Update
Off to a good start this week! Veterinarian Dr. Rogers Williams came in today for the weekly rounds and was able to check up on Barclay, our harbor seal pup, Cherry, Gage, and North Star, our three Kemp’s ridley sea turtles, and Tide, our loggerhead sea turtle. Blood work was taken on the Kemp’s ridleys, along with size and weight measurements; all looking healthy. Tide’s carapace (hard upper shell) was examined and is doing better. Barclay’s puncture wounds were treated and are healing up nicely. As for the little turtles that we have inside the education building, Dr. Williams also gave them an examination and their treatments. The red-bellied cooters that we admitted recently are active and hungry, which is a good sign that they are improving. They were given their calcium supplement to help their metabolic bone disease. Later, they were fed a head of lettuce! The two box turtles were also examined. Violet has a problem with her right eye, but over the past week it has improved. The daily 15 minute freshwater soaks and vitamin A & D injections are helping address her and Daisy’s medical issues. Finally, our diamondback terrapins were examined and all are improving.

A quick reminder about our biggest annual fundraising event, the Mermaid Ball that is coming up August 22. We are all working hard to organize an even bigger and better event than last year! We will be holding a silent and live auction so any gift donations that you could provide are greatly appreciated. Thank you all for your continuous support!
Posted by Chase M.
Chase is a Summer, 2014 Intern at the National Marine Life Center. He is pursuing a degree in Environmental Studies at Westminster College in Salt Lake City, UT.