Your VOTE makes a difference!
The National Marine Life Center is competing for a grant from Chase Community Giving. If we win, the grant would allow us to add much needed capacity to our new marine animal hospital! To succeed, WE NEED YOUR VOTE!

A Chase Community Giving award would make a real difference.
~ $25,000 would add 2 additional sea turtle pools, allowing us to care for up to 18 additional turtles or 2 seals.
~ $100,000 would add a dedicated seal pool, allowing us to care for up to 4 seals or up to 15 additional turtles or a manatee.
~ $250,000 would add a dolphin pool, allowing us to care for up to 4 dolphins or up to 10 seals or up to 56 additional turtles or 4 manatees.
All pools are designed with flexibility to accommodate other species as needed.
Please help by voting for the National Marine Life Center on Chase Community Giving today! And ask your friends to do so also! The voting deadline is November 22.
On behalf of the animals, thank you!!