
Seals and Climate Change

Finally I thought about seals.  Seals are adaptable.  Seals can handle temperature variation.  Sounds good so far! Many seals depend on the ice for pupping….  uh oh. According to a Climate Institute report by Luisanna Carillo-Rubio, harp seal pups are already dying due to lack of sea ice on which they rest.  Additionally, seals’ prey […]

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Whales and Dolphins and Climate Change

So then I started wondering – what about cetaceans?  Heck, wouldn’t a whale, dolphin, or porpoise love climate change?  More water, warmer water, more places to forage.  Turns out, that’s not the case…. According to the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society:  “Changes in sea temperature, freshening of seawater, sea level rise, loss of icy polar […]

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Sea Turtles and Climate Change

As this week’s United Nations Convention on Climate Change wraps up in Copenhagen, I thought it would be worthwhile to consider the effects of climate change on sea turtles. According to the Sea Turtle Restoration Project, who recently completed a report on the topic and presented it in Copenhagen, sea turtles are impacted by climate […]

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Turtles and now dolphins highlight the need for the National Marine Life Center

Over the past several weeks, Cape Cod has been inundated by stranded, cold-stunned sea turtles in what is being described as one of the largest years to date.  Now, the International Fund for Animal Welfare’s Marine Mammal Rescue and Research group reports that dolphin strandings are also on the rise.  In the past week they’ve […]

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Record Number of Sea Turtle Strandings

According to the Cape Cod Times, a record number of sea turtles stranded yesterday.  The National Marine Life Center would like to be able to help the MassAudubon Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary (authorized beach respondants) and the New England Aquarium (authorized intensive care unit) by opening our new sea turtle ward to these severely debilitated […]

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Join us for Holiday Splash!

Join us next Saturday, December 12, 12-2 pm, for our Holiday Splash open house!  Make a marine animal ornament to decorate your tree.  Enjoy arts and crafts and and games and refreshments.  Tour our new marine animal hospital! Suggested donation:  $5/person, members FREE. Become a member on Holiday Splash and get a free gift with […]

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Coming out of their shell….

When the little diamondback terrapin hatchlings arrived several weeks ago, they were pretty quiet.  They spent a lot of time huddled inside their shells in the corners of their tanks. Now, however, they seem to be coming out of their shells!  Each is exploring his or her environment.  Each seems to be feeling more comfortable […]

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We need YOU to help Open Our Doors!

Exactly two years ago, the National Marine Life Center had a crisis situation. The roof over our rehabilitation facility began to collapse and we had to move out of the building. We put in a massive effort to raise the $3.1 million needed to remove the original building and replace it with a new hospital […]

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Giving Thanks

On this Thanksgiving we would like to thank and recognize everyone who has supported the National Marine Life Center over the past year.  Through gifts of money, goods, services, and time, YOU make is possible to save marine wildlife, advance science, and inspire conservation through education.  YOU make it possible to build our new marine […]

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Join us for Harvest Splash

Join us this Thanksgiving Weekend for Harvest Splash!  Tour our Marine Animal Discovery Center for exhibits and information about marine wildlife, strandings, and rehabilitation.  Peek into our Clinic for a glimpse at Patty, our recovering Diamondback Terrapin.  Learn the latest about our new marine animal hospital.  Take your photo as a whale, seal, or sea […]

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