Category: Animals

Welcome Red Bellied Cooter Hatchlings!

Yesterday NMLC staff traveled to Westboro MA to collect our 2011-2012 class of Red Bellied Cooter hatchlings from the field office of the Natural Heritage Endangered Species Program of the Massachusetts Division of Fish and Wildlife. We received 8 tiny hatchlings which weigh between 8 and 10 grams apiece and are about the size of […]

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NMLC Re-Opens to Sea Turtles

The National Marine Life Center is pleased to announce that they have re-opened to sea turtles. Last Thursday the new hospital passed inspection by NOAA representatives and is now officially open to sea turtles in need of rehabilitative care! The sea turtle ward of the new hospital has two 12 foot diameter, 3,500 gallon pools […]

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Introducing Eleanor

We would like you to meet Eleanor the newest patient at the National Marine Life Center. Eleanor is a Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) who arrived at the Center on Tuesday August 9th. She was found in Wareham last summer as a hatchling by some visitors who took her home as a pet. Luckily they were […]

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Seal Stranding Response!

Over the past couple of weeks the National Marine Life Center’s staff and interns have been involved with monitoring a number of stranded seals around the Cape. There are four species of seals that live on Cape Cod: the hooded seal, the harp seal, the harbor seal and the gray seal. Two of these animals […]

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Sea Turtles! Part 3: Leatherbacks, Loggerheads, and Greens.

This blog is intended to be a continuation of my sea turtle series, so for basic information about sea turtle biology and behavior you can check out Sea Turtles Part 1 and if you’re interested in the threats that sea turtles face including disease, parasites, predators and human impacts you can go see Sea Turtles […]

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Sea Turtles! Part 2: Disease, Predators and Conservation

  As you may have read in my previous blog (Sea Turtles Part 1) or in Alexa’s blog (New England Aquarium Adventure), the National Marine Life Center interns took a trip to the New England Aquarium last week. While we were there, we animal nerds got our fill of marine life from all over the […]

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Sea Turtles! Part 1: General Sea Turtle Biology and Behavior

  My ultimate goal for interning at the National Marine Life Center this summer is to get some marine animal care and education experience for my future. In two years I will be entering graduate school, and looking to further my education in sea turtle conservation. On Monday, the other interns and I took a […]

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Brittany’s Week 4

Cape Wildlife Center

It was really cool this week, Kate arranged for the interns to take a field trip to the Cape Wildlife Center in Barnstable. The facility is AMAZING! They have so much land and so many animals there. Currently they have about 150 patients at the Wildlife Center. When we first got to the facility we […]

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What’s the Difference Between Seals and Sea Lions?

As part of our summer internship responsibilities, we are required to complete a project that will be useful to the NMLC after we’ve gone back to school. I’m doing a three-part “What’s the Difference?” educational poster/presentation series on seals v. sea lions, dolphins v. porpoises, and toothed whales v. baleen whales. I’m nearing completion of […]

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