Category: Featured
Patient Update: November 20th
PATIENT UPDATE November 20, 2017 Seals 2 Sea Turtles 2 SEALS Bella LugoSEAL– Bella is doing quite well! Her face is healing very nicely and she is much more independent when eating! She loves her new life in ST2 (the big pool!!) and likes eating fish! However, she is […]
NMLC Calendars Are Here!
Have you heard the news? We have NMLC calendars now! They feature harbor seal pups and weanlings, grey seals, Kemp’s ridley sea turtles, and red-bellied cooters! Included in our calendars are also fun facts about each animal. If you are wondering what to get someone for the holidays, look no further! These calendars are a […]
Spectacle of Trees – Win Gifts From Sea to Shining Sea!
Trips, sports experiences, epicurean delights…. There’s something for everyone From Sea to Shining Sea under the National Marine Life Center’s tree. And, for just $10, you can purchase a chance to win the tree and all its gifts! “Tree Buck” Chance to Win $10 Join the National Marine Life Center and 15 other non-profits for […]
Alternative Gift Market Makes a Difference for the Holidays!
Join the National Marine Life Center and other area non-profit organizations for the 2017 Barnstable Alternative Gift Market! This is a unique two-day shopping experience where you can meet with a variety of not-for-profit organizations and make donations in honor of someone as a gift. These non-profits provide a variety of services, including healthcare, wildlife […]
Marine Mammal Health & Stranding Response Program
“Why do marine mammals strand?” Marine mammal strandings may occur due to disease, parasite infestation, harmful algal blooms, injuries from ship strikes, fishery entanglements, pollution exposure, trauma, starvation, or other reasons. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Marine Mammal Health & Stranding Response Program plays a key role in preventing and treating marine mammal strandings […]
Patient Update: September 21st
PATIENT UPDATE September 14, 2017 Seals 5 Sea Turtles 2 SEALS SEALonardo DiCaprio– Sealonardo DiCaprio is still working on gaining weight! Since moving to the large tank he has become very playful and curious. Leo loves playing in the faux kelp forest and has even become one of the best eaters here at NMLC! SEALbert […]
The Two Different Kinds of Whales in the World: Toothed Whales vs. Baleen Whales
There are about 86 species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises in the world’s oceans, and they are divided into two distinct groups: Mysticetes (baleen whales) and Odontocetes (toothed whales). There is a very different body morphology between whales with teeth and whales with baleen, as well as a big difference in what/how they eat. Baleen […]
Strandings: Harbor Seals vs. Grey Seals
With Harbor Seal pup season in full swing at the National Marine Life Center, many visitors have been curious about why seals strand. Between the four species of seals that can be found within our harbor, harbor seals and grey seals are the two we primarily rehabilitate. During the different seasons of the year, stranding […]
The Importance of the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972
Enacted by Congress in October of 1972, the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) is extremely important for the conservation of many marine mammal species. At the time of the law’s creation, there was scientific consensus that the human impact on marine ecosystems was concerning. The populations of marine mammals like seals, whales and porpoises were […]
Meet Sealbert, Seally, and Giseale!
On June 6, 2017, the National Marine Life Center welcomed two new harbor seal pups, bringing us to ten seals! Continuing our Sealebrity theme, our two new pups are named Sealbert Einstein and Seally Ride. On June 20, 2017, NMLC welcomed our eleventh harbor seal pup, GIseale Bundchen. All three pups were determined to be […]