Category: Featured

Thomas C. McGowen Fund For Animals Awards NMLC with Grant Funds


The National Marine Life Center in honored to report that we will be the recipient of $5,000 in funding from the Thomas C. McGowen Fund for Animals in 2014. The grant funds were awarded to NMLC in order to install seawater discharge piping in our marine animal hospital, and install a seawater cooling system on […]

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Working with the Red-Bellies

Animal Care

Working with the northern red-bellied cooter hatchlings at the National Marine Life Center has been a real treat.  The hatchlings came to the Center on my first day of interning and were practically the size of quarters, but now after only a few months they’ve grown noticeably bigger.  Being able to care for and witness […]

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Sea Turtle Surprise


Before I started interning with NMLC I had never before considered working with sea turtles.  It’s not that I did not like turtles but more simply that my attention was drawn to the flashiness of marine mammals.  However, now that I have been working with the Kemps and Tide for a few months, I have […]

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2014 Feet Fins & Flippers 5K T-Shirt Design Contest

Feet Fins & Flippers 5K

The National Marine Life Center is gearing up for it’s annual Feet Fins & Flippers 5K which will be held on Sunday May 25th, 2014 with a race start time of 9am. Last year we held our first 5K race t-shirt design contest to create a unique collectable t-shirt for our race participants. We got […]

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Townsend Shows We’re All Connected!


Townsend shows we’re all connected. Townsend is a juvenile male harbor seal, named after NMLC co-founder Townsend Hornor, that was the first patient admitted to our new marine animal hospital just over a year ago. You may have read about him in previous website posts (Arrival, Detection of Ear Infection, CT Scans at WHOI, Seeking […]

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One Tiny Turtle (Number 31’s Story)


Number 31 needs your help! Number 31 is one of our tiniest sea turtles, yet she’s a fighter. Weighing just over three pounds, this endangered Kemp’s ridley sea turtle was brought in to the National Marine Life Center’s hospital late last month. Like the other ten juvenile sea turtles in our care, she had stranded […]

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Help Seals Like Francis!


Friends, simply said, we need your help. Sick and injured seals like “Francis” depend on you. They depend on you to keep the lights on at the National Marine Life Center, the filtration pumps running, and their pens and pools clean. They depend on you for food, medicine, and vitamins. They depend on you for […]

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Now Accepting 2014 Summer Intern Applications

Animal Care

The National Marine Life Center is seeking qualified students to fill our summer internship positions. Marine Animal Rehabilitation/Education interns will assist NMLC staff and volunteers with education projects and animal husbandry, and Marketing/Development interns will assist with fundraising, public relations, social media. See below for the complete details or click here Marine Animal Rehabilitation & Education Internship […]

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Animal Adoptions- A Great Holiday Gift


The holiday are approaching and what better way to support marine animal rehabilitation at the National Marine Life Center than to purchase an animal adoption for your friends and loved ones. You can select one of our current or past marine animal patients to adopt for a loved one or yourself this holiday season. This […]

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Ten Turtles Arrive at NMLC

cold stunned

Last week, ten new Kemp’s ridley sea turtle patients arrived at the National Marine Life Center. All stranded on Cape Cod within the past month suffering from cold-stunning or severe hypothermia. The turtles were rescued by MassAudubon Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary and underwent several weeks of emergency care at the New England Aquarium. They will continue […]

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