Category: Volunteers

My Summer at NMLC by Lianna Montgomery

I spent my summer at the National Marine Life Center as an education intern and I had a lot of fun! Last week ended my summer at NMLC and I was sad to go but I had such a great time. I learned a lot and met so many great people.  My duties as an […]

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The Think Tank: Dory’s Final Blog for NMLC!

Hello again everyone! I am sad to say that this will be my final blog of the summer, as I venture back to school this coming week, a little earlier for orientation programs at my school. Regardless, it has been an eventful couple of weeks since my last post, full of exciting news to share. […]

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The Think Tank: Dory’s Weekly Blog for NMLC

How time flies when you’re helping turtles! It’s difficult for me to believe that it’s already mid-July, and yet I feel that in the 1 1/2 months I’ve been here, I feel we’ve accomplished a lot. The center is now bustling with activity, as people bring their kids in to the Discovery Center for Fins […]

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The Think Tank: Dory’s Weekly Blog for NMLC

I realized on my last blog that I did not really talk too much about the daily duties of an intern. Therefore, this blog will just be a broad recap on some of the recent goings-on at NMLC. Because some very significant donors came this past Thursday to take a look at the animal hospital, […]

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The Think Tank-Dory’s Blog

Walking into the doors of NMLC, I had little idea of what to expect. As a marine biology major, I applied to the center wanting not only to garner a better understanding of some aspects of this vast field of science, but I was also keen to know more about sea turtles and other marine […]

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Thanks, Robert!

For the past month, you’ve been hearing from guest blogger Robert Anderson, a senior at Cape Cod Academy who has been volunteering at NMLC as part of his senior service project.  We have truly enjoyed working with Robert.  He is always ready and willing to help with anything.  He did a great job on getting […]

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My Final Update

Four weeks ago when I began my senior project here I was told my main project would be to get the critter tank up and running for the summer. The Tank wasn’t in the best of shape; half of the filter wasn’t working, the tubes were dirty, and I knew very little about plumbing or filters. […]

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My Senior Project 2

The week of 5/24 -5/28 started off a little bit hectic. I came in on Monday to discover that over the weekend the Critter Tank had leaked 40 gallons and Joanne was forced to drain the whole thing. The leak occured where the old broken pump was. I hadn’t installed the new pump yet but I closed off […]

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Welcome to the Summer Interns!

The National Marine Life Center put out a call for summer interns in March. After a competitive process we have brought five amazing interns on for the summer. The summer interns will be in charge of all public education programs, being the face of the National Marine Life Center at fairs and festivals and supporting […]

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New Volunteer Orientation

The National Marine Life Center functions with a great deal of support from our amazing volunteers. Whether it is helping to file paperwork in the office, answering phones when they ring, educating the public about marine animals and rehabilitation, or working with the rehabilitation patients themselves, our volunteers are there! If you are contemplating becoming […]

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