Tag: endangered species
Tomorrow is my last day at NMLC. I wish I’d had more time here. I’ve learned a lot in a short period of time, but there’s so much more to learn. I’ve done things I didn’t expect to do. Of course, handling sea turtles was an amazing experience. It’s amazing how endearing an animal can […]
The Turtles’ Day With the Vet
As part of the rehabilitation process here at NMLC, our little friends are visited by the veterinarian once a week. Each turtle is taken out of their tank and examined. The doctor weighs them, measures their shell, and gives them an overall inspection. He is checking on the firmness of their shell, as several of […]
Turtle Trials & Triumphs
It has been a busy summer for the turtles at the National Marine Life Center! The staff volunteers and interns have been working hard to treat our red bellied cooter patients, specifically tackling the questions of metabolic bone disease and shell fungus. It has been a time of both trials and triumphs for the turtles […]
Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend
On Friday July 13th Catch 22 was released after two years in rehabilitation at the National Marine Life Center recovering from a shell fungal infection. Catch’s new home is in Tremont Pond in West Wareham. The release event was attended by many of our dedicated volunteers who have spent countless hours careing for Catch. A […]
Catch’s Release
For those of you have been following the National Marine Life Center for awhile, this is a long awaited post. Catch 22 is an endangered Red Bellied Cooter who was admitted to the National Marine Life Center in May of 2010. He had ingested a staple and was suffering from shell fungal disease and after […]
Alisia’s Exciting First Weeks At NMLC!
When I first learned that I had been accepted as a 2012 Summer Intern at the National Marine Life Center the words excited and overjoyed could not describe exactly how I felt. Being only in college for two going on three years, internships do not come easy and I was a bit nervous for my […]